Tuition fees exemption or reduction

They are exempt from paying university fees and consequently pay only the regional tax for the right to study, stamp duty and the admission fee to the Degree Course, where applicable:

a. students with ISEE for subsidized benefits for the right to university study less than or equal to € 24,000.00 who have been enrolled in the a.y. 2024/2025 at the University of Brescia for a number of years less than or equal to the normal duration of the course of study increased by one and who have obtained, in the case of enrollment in the second year, at least 10 university credits in the period August 11, 2023 - August 10, 2024 or, in the case of enrollment in subsequent years, at least 25 university credits in the period August 11, 2023 - August 10, 2024;

b. students who matriculate in A.Y. 2024/2025 for the first time in a three-year or single-cycle master's degree program who have obtained a baccalaureate degree with the highest grade are exempt from contribution for the first year of the course. Transfer students, repeat students, and students who already hold a bachelor's degree are not eligible for this exemption;

c. students eligible for and beneficiaries of the scholarship (pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 68 of 29/03/2012, art. 9, co. 2);

d. students who are children of beneficiaries of the disability pension pursuant to Article 30 of Law No. 118/71 with an ISEE not exceeding € 4,000.00. Interested parties must produce:

  • a self-certification of their family status;
  • a copy of the report issued by the ATS (Medical Commission) showing the type and degree of disability of the parent (if the disability certification is not subject to review the same must be submitted only at the time of the first request for exemption);
  • certification issued by the pension institution stating that the same parent is a recipient of a disability pension;
  • the exemption can be granted only if the parent is disabled with total and permanent 100% incapacity for work (see items 4, 5, 6 of the ATS report) and receives the relevant pension.

e. foreign students from developing countries (defined annually by MUR Decree) with study visa or residence permit for study purposes, whose family unit resides in the same country without income or assets in Italy;

f. students with international protection referred to in Art. 8, co. 4;

g. are equated, for the purposes of access to and pricing of study right services, with ordinary scholarship holders and exempt from university fees, students who are recipients of scholarships established by the University or by international bodies/organizations in support of internationalization initiatives for access to undergraduate and master's degrees, including single-cycle degrees, of scholarships provided by the University of Brescia within the framework of conventional relationships or conferred by the Ministry of the University or other Ministry (see art. 34 co. 8 of the Student Regulations);

h. students who are recipients of annual scholarships from the Italian Government under development cooperation programs, intergovernmental cultural and scientific agreements and related executive programs (pursuant to Legislative Decree No. 68 of 29/03/2012, Art. 9, co. 3), international cooperation projects managed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, EBM;

i. students who have been granted a suspension of studies, presented in exceptional cases and during the course of the year to the Student Secretariat, are exempt from the payment of the contribution, even partially, in accordance with the provisions of Article 24 of the Student Regulations.

Any further contribution reductions resulting from provisions of the Lombardy Region regarding the Right to Study may be provided.

The following are exempt from paying the all-inclusive fee, the regional fee for the right to study and consequently pay only the stamp duty:

a. students with a recognized disability under Art. 3, co. 1 and co. 3, of Law 05/02/1992, no. 104, or students with a disability equal to or greater than 66 percent (sixty-six 15 percent); in order to benefit from this type of exemption, it is necessary for students, at the time of matriculation or renewal of enrollment, to present the certification issued by the competent ATS attesting to the handicap condition and/or the percentage of disability (students are required to communicate any changes in the degree of recognized disability);

b. students in detention with a final sentence at penitentiary institutions, with which an agreement is in place.

The sibling reduction is a reduction in the amount of university fees for students who have a sibling already enrolled at the University of Brescia (the one with lower matriculation).

To be eligible for the reduction, siblings must:

  • be matriculated or enrolled at the University of Brescia for the academic year 2024/25;
  • belong to the same household resulting in the university ISEE statement;
  • have an ISEE statement of an amount less than or equal to € 100,000.00.

Eligible for the reduction is the sibling with the highest matriculation number, who must have been enrolled at the University of Brescia for a number of years less than or equal to the normal duration of the course of study increased by one.

The reduction is equal to:

  • 50% of the all-inclusive contribution for students with ISEE for subsidized benefits for the right to university study less than € 30,000.00;
  • 35% of the all-inclusive contribution for students with ISEE for benefits for the right to university study between € 30,000.00 and € 49,999.99;
  • 20% of the all-inclusive contribution for students with ISEE for benefits for the right to university study between € 50,000.00 and € 100,000.00;
  • no reduction for students with ISEE for benefits for the right to university study of more than € 100,000.00 or for students who do not submit the ISEE certificate.

The sibling reduction application can be accepted by January 31, 2025.

In case the sibling with inferior matriculation graduates in the extraordinary session of the a.y. preceding the one in which the sibling with superior matriculation submits the application for reduction, any reduction granted will be revoked, resulting in recalculation of contributions.

Students engaged in educational activities abroad as part of the Erasmus PLUS study and Traineeship programs or for Theses abroad, who acquire more than 12 CFU per semester abroad are entitled to a contribution reduction or refund of € 30.00 for each credit acquired beyond the twelfth per semester.
The reduction is for a maximum of 18 CFU per semester (or 36 CFU per year).

Students engaged in educational activities abroad within the framework of international agreements signed by the University (non-Erasmus including activities aimed at obtaining a Double Degree), which provide for charges to be borne by the students, are exempt from university fees (second and third installment) in proportion to the period spent abroad for the lack of use of the teaching provided at the University. This is subject to any different provisions in current international collaboration agreements.

The student parent can take advantage of the reduction of the all-inclusive contribution (excluding the regional fee for the right to study, stamp duty and admission fee to the Degree Course, where applicable) for dependent children under the age of 3 years: the application for the reduction for child birth can be applied for in the period August 01, 2024 - July 31, 2025, for children born in the period August 01, 2022 - July 31, 2025.

The reduction is equal to:

  • 50% of the all-inclusive contribution for students with ISEE for subsidized benefits for the right to university study less than € 30,000.00;
  • 35% of the all-inclusive contribution for students with ISEE for benefits for the right to university study between € 30,000.00 and € 49,999.99;
  • 20% of the all-inclusive contribution for students with ISEE for benefits for the right to university study between € 50,000.00 and € 100,000.00;
  • there is no reduction for students with ISEE for benefits for the right to university study exceeding € 100,000.00 or for students who do not submit the ISEE certificate.

The reduction is granted to only one parent.

To be eligible for the reduction, it is necessary to submit the form "Application for Reduction for Dependent Children A.Y. 2024/2025" through the Infostudent service: Open Ticket > Fees, ISEE, Exemptions and Reductions > Exemptions and Reductions > Reduction for Dependent Children.

Students participating in projects for which a convention or agreement has been entered into that provides for exemption from contribution at the percentage stipulated in the convention/agreement are exempt from contribution.

Students who are employees or children of employees of engineering companies who have been found to be beneficiaries of EBM-funded scholarships (maximum of 60 students), on the basis of a special agreement approved by the Academic Senate, are exempt from paying university fees for each of the three years of the scholarship, subject to compliance with the requirements for renewal of the scholarship.

Students with a percentage of disability between 50% and 65%, referred to in Article 8 co. 7 of the Prime Ministerial Decree of April 9, 2001, benefit from a reduction of the all-inclusive contribution of € 300,00.

Enrolled students who earn their degree by April 30, as graduates of the new academic year, acquiring credits or attendance related to courses placed in the first teaching period of the new academic year, owe the full amount of the regional fee for the right to study and half of the expected university fees based on their economic status. The reduction does not apply to students who earn their degree by April 30 in the presence of an interruption of studies in the previous academic year even if the student was in default of only the final examination.

On the merit awards page you can find more information about the following merit reductions:

reductions for high school graduates with a grade of 100/100;
reductions for merit with reference to CFUs earned and weighted average grade;
reductions for graduates from three-year courses with a grade of at least 100/110 who enroll in a master's degree program.

Last updated on: 02/07/2024