Fees and contributions payable by students consist of:
a. First installment
The first installment, paid upon matriculation or renewal of enrollment, consists of:
- stamp duty paid virtually (€ 16.00);
- regional tax for the Right to University Study (€ 140.00);
- admission fee for the Degree Course (where applicable).
b. Second and third installments
The second and third installments are respectively 50% of the all-inclusive annual contribution calculated on the basis of:
- the student's economic-patrimonial situation and the composition of the student's household as resulting from the ISEE value for subsidized benefits for the right to university study;
- the course of study of affiliation;
- the number of years of enrollment (including those on waived and lapsed careers at UNIBS);
- the number of college credits earned in the 12 months preceding the date of August 10 (for A.Y. 2024/25: between August 11, 2023 and August 10, 2024).
Active students who pay the first installment are required to pay all subsequent installments (where applicable), even if they have not given exams or taken classes or owe only the degree.
Students not in good standing with the payment of fees and contributions may not perform any career acts (e.g., book exams, take exams, apply for certifications, etc.).
c. Rescheduling of the second and third installments
It is possible to request further installment of the second and third installments in three additional installments each provided that the installment plan ends by July 31, 2025. The minimum amount of the installment subject to further installment may not be less than €300.00. In any case, the amount of the first installment is not installmentable.
d. Rescheduling for past debt settlement
In the case of past debt situations, installment of the debt is allowed regardless of the submission of an ISEE, before the renewal of enrollment, resumption of studies or making a waiver can be made. Pending the repayment of the past debt, it is not possible to carry out career acts.
Subject to the maximum contribution provided for the Course of Study are students who:
a. are not in possession of a valid ISEE statement for subsidized benefits for the right to study in favor of their tax code equal to or less than € 70,000.00 or a PARIFIED ISEE where the conditions are met;
b. do not issue during the online enrollment/registration procedure the authorization for the University of Brescia to retrieve the ISEE statement from the INPS database;
c. does not appear to be able to acquire from the INPS Data Bank a compliant ISEE attestation, free of omissions/diformities, valid in favor of their tax code.
The maximum contribution amount (second and third installment) is defined for each course of study.
In cases of dual enrollment in undergraduate, master's degree, single-cycle master's degree courses of the University of Brescia pursuant to Law No. 33 of April 12, 2022, a 50% discount is granted on the all-inclusive contribution of the course whose maximum fee is more onerous. In any case, the stamp duty and admission fee to the Degree Course, where applicable for the first a.y. for both courses, are due.
1.The following fees are charged for admission to bachelor's, master's and single-cycle master's degree programs:
- for courses involving a test organized by Università degli Studi di Brescia or an SPS test or an ARCHED test: € 50.00 at the time of registration for the competition;
- for courses that provide admission with selective TOLCs (TOLC-MED excluded): € 20.00 at the time of registration for the competition;
- for courses that provide admission with TOLC-MED: € 20.00 at the time of registration;
- for courses that provide for admission with orientation TOLC: € 20.00 at the time of registration;
- in the absence, at the time of matriculation, of a valid TOLC or SPS test for admission to open access degree programs: € 50.00.
2. For master's degrees in Economics, there is a waiver of the registration fee for students who, having already paid the fee for the first edition, apply for admission to the second edition of the test, having been absent from the test or having already taken it in the first edition with an insufficient result.
The aforementioned contributions are not refundable.
1. Contribution for participation in the call for transfer to years subsequent to the first one
The fee for participation in the call for transfer to years subsequent to the first is set at the non-refundable amount of € 50,00.
2. Contribution for non-EU students residing abroad
Contribution, non-refundable, of € 50,00 to take advantage of blended or distance activities by non-EU students residing abroad, waiting for their study visa and to be matriculated, in cases where a fee has not been requested for admission tests.
3. Reconnaissance fee
Students who have interrupted their studies, upon resumption of studies, in addition to the amount due for enrollment in the corresponding course year owe a reconnaissance fee, which is set at an amount of € 80,00 for each academic year of interruption.
4. Fee for request for recognition of foreign academic title (equivalency).
- € 200.00, non-refundable, for submitting the application for recognition for the purpose of prevalence;
- € 300.00 for the issuance of the final degree.
5. Contribution for transfer to other universities; € 200,00 (net of stamp duty);
6. Duplicate degree parchment; € 50,00 (exclusive of stamp duty);
7. Late application fee (e.g., renewal of enrollment, study plan submission): € 30,00.
1. The waiver of studies must be submitted according to the procedures published on the University website and is accepted only if there are no outstanding debts with the University and/or the Right to Study. The waiver of studies is finalized by the competent office only after payment of the € 16,00 stamp duty and any amounts due.
2. The date of payment of the stamp duty for study waiver determines the university contribution due by the student in relation to the due dates of the installment.
3. A student who renounces his or her studies by December 31, 2024, with respect to the academic year 2024/2025, shall not be required to pay the contribution (second and third installment) for the academic year 2024/2025.
4. A student who files a waiver of studies on or after January 1, 2025 shall be required to pay the installments due at the time of filing the waiver. If the waiver is received before the due date of the second installment, the student shall be required to pay the amount of € 250,00 or the second installment if it is less than € 250,00. The amount of € 250,00 is not installmentable.
5. A student who renounces his studies before the due date of the installments of the university contribution having taken examinations in the a.y. of the renouncement, shall not be able to apply for the recognition of such examinations in case of new matriculation at the University until the payment of the past contribution.
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