The tuition fees are paid using the "PagoPA" method, the system created by the Agency for Digital Italy (AgID) to make payments to the public administration easier.
The system allows quicker confirmation of payment on the student's personal page (green light).
Payment must be made with the PagoPA system, which the student accesses from his/her personal page, under Menù> Secretariat> Payments:
- "Pay with PagoPA" button: access the various methods of immediate payment of the tuition fees (credit card, debit card, prepaid card, online bank account, paypal or other payment methods);
- "Print notice for PagoPA" button: print the payment notice to pay at authorized bank branches, Tobacconists with SISAL, Lottomatica, etc. ). You can also use the alert to pay from your online bank account, if enabled to make payments via PAGOPA / CBILL and at ATMs (cash machines) by entering the 18-digit code.
After each connection you will receive the following communication to your e-mail address:
"Dear XxxxxxXxxxxx, following your payment request made through PagoPA for the IUV code xxxxxxxxxx of € xxxx expiring on xx / xx / 20xx we inform you that the transaction had the following outcome: The transaction ended in the following state: Telematic payment request accepted by the Payments Hub. Kind regards"
This communication signals the start of the transaction with the acceptance of the payment by the payments hub. In this step, you are, of course, not charged any costs.
Once the payment has been successfully completed, you will receive a communication that the transaction was successful and the payment has been made and will be autonomously received by the University.
In the event that you do not complete the procedure within the established time frame, the internet connection is interrupted or you decide to change the payment method after having already viewed one, the "Pay online" and "Payment notice" buttons will not be available for approx. 60 minutes; after this period, the buttons will be available again.
How to make a payment with PagoPA
U.O.C. Immatricolazioni certificazioni e tasse
Via S. Faustino 74/B
25121 Brescia