The Departments are the owners of the functions aimed at carrying out scientific research, teaching and training activities, as well as activities aimed at the outside where related or ancillary to them.

Department of Economics e Management (DEM)
[Head of Department: prof. Giuseppe Bertoli, Vice-Head: prof. Raffaele Miniaci]
via San Faustino 74B - 25122 Brescia BS
PEC: [email protected]
[Administrative Responsible: dott.ssa Isabella D'Indri]
Department of Law (DIGI)
[Head of Department: prof.ssa Adriana Apostoli, Vice-Head:prof.ssa Elena Verdolini]
via San Faustino 41 / via delle Battaglie 58 - 25121 Brescia BS
PEC: [email protected]
[Administrative Responsible: dott.ssa Rita Maria Ferretti]
Department of Civil, Environmental, Architectural, Engineering and Mathematics (DICATAM)
[Head of Department: prof. Giorgio Bertanza, Vice-Head: prof. Giulio Maternini]
via Branze 43 - 25123 Brescia BS
PEC: [email protected]
[Administrative Responsible: dott. Pietro Toto]
Department of Information Engineering (DII)
[Head of Department: prof. Fabio Baronio, Vice-Head: prof. Devis Bianchini]
via Branze 38 - 25123 Brescia BS
PEC: [email protected]
[Administrative Responsible: dott. Vincenzo Canino]
Department of Industrial and Mechanical Engineering (DIMI)
[Head of Department: prof. Lucio Zavanella, Vice-Head: prof.ssa Elisabetta Ceretti]
via Branze 38 - 25123 Brescia BS
PEC: [email protected]
[Administrative Responsible: dott.ssa Chiara Motta]
Department of Molecular e Traslational Medicine (DMMT)
[Head of Department: prof. Massimo Gennarelli, Vice-Head: prof.ssa Mariacristina Missale]
viale Europa 11 - 25123 Brescia BS
PEC: [email protected]
[Administrative Responsible: dott.ssa Maria De Fazio]
Department of Clinical and Experimental Sciences (DSCS)
[Head of Department: prof. Maurizio Castellano, Vice-Head: prof. Antonio Vita]
viale Europa 11 - 25123 Brescia BS
PEC: [email protected]
[Administrative Responsible: dott. Aldo Cuzzucoli]
Department of Medical and Surgical Specialties, Radiological Sciences, and Public Health (DSMC)
[Head of Department: prof. Nicola Latronico, Vice-Head: prof. Marco Metra]
viale Europa 11 - 25123 Brescia BS
PEC: [email protected]
[Administrative Responsible: dott.ssa Claudia Costanza Fornari]